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We are a family owned company in North Mississippi area(just south of Memphis, Tn). We have been in business now for 35 years and looking forward to another 35 years.We are unlike other "family owned companies" as we have grown and adapted with new technologies that have made our lives convenient (or complicated) and we are not afraid to change if that is what it takes to bring competitive service to our customers.With this site, the plan is to bring knowledge of the plumbing trade to those interested and at the same time inform our customers of our services and specials.Also, something you probably won't find on other plumbing contractor's sites, we will be giving tips and advice to helping fix those smaller jobs that we feel the customer can handle him or herself.I know what your saying, "why would they do that?". We feel that if we can help with those smaller jobs you will be more inclined to call us when the problem is a little too big to handle yourself.So, I hope you enjoy the site and that we can help with anything you may need from us.
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